Signup for our quaterly newsletter and keep up with what's new at Imago. Newsletters are filled with advice, real life stories and upcoming workshops. See past issues below |
Friday, October 21, 2016 - Maureen Brine Fall Newsletter |
Fall Newsletter from Maureen Brine & Associates Ltd...
We did it! We have successfully moved into our beautiful new location just in time for fall. What a move it was from Victorian house on Gloucester to ultra modern Yorkville! We love the convenience of the location and having a new renovated space to work in which includes a roof top patio. We still have a few finishing touches but we are getting there!
Although we were very sad to leave Gloucester Street, we are absolutely delighted with our new office. So as we say goodbye to Gloucester Street, and hello to new beginnings at 4 Collier Street.
We are really pleased to have several colleagues join us at our new location. We also have a separate lovely group room for workshops.
In spite of the move the summer of 2016 was a glorious one and good for the Canadian soul. Personally I will remember that in the middle of winter. Fall also has been a wonderful continuation. So here is hoping winter will follow suit.
Other news at MBA:
- Maureen has begun filming season 4 of Intervention Canada which has been picked up by A & E and is now being broadcast across North America! She has been focusing on the healing quality of connection in recovery with families on the show. Hopefully that will be evident as you watch the show which will start airing on Sunday nights on A & E.
- Imago Clinical Training will be offered again in Toronto for Therapists who would like to become a Certified Imago Therapist
- Maureen and Mike Borash have been invited to present on Addictions and Imago at the Imago Conference in November. Maureen will also be presenting a pre-conference workshop on Sex Addiction
- The Imago Conference will be open to interested couples in November in Long Beach California. For more details go to the Imago Relationships International website.
In this Newsletter you will find some of our new offerings at 4 Collier Street
- Information on a Getting the Love You Want Weekend for Therapists/Educators & their Partners
- Maureen is going to be offering the Imago Clinical Training (ICT) in Toronto for Therapists who wish to become certified as an Imago Therapist
- Imago Connects starts again with Sandra Pribanic
- Imago Workshop Presenters Training will be offered in Toronto. If you are an Imago Therapist who would like to learn how to give the Getting the Love You Want workshop for couples this training will be of interest to you. The course is designed to help fully prepare you personally and professionally so that you can achieve competence as a workshop presenter. The dates are below.
- Professional Facilitator Training will be offered once again for non-therapists that want to bring Imago into their work place, church or community.
- Article on by Maureen
- Article on by Sandra Pribanic
- Getting the Love You Want Workshop EXCLUSIVELY for Therapists/Educators and their Partners: Several of you have been requesting this for some time. If you or other friends are concerned about attending a regular GTLY Workshop because you refer clients & would like to attend the workshop privately this is exclusive to Therapists/Educators only. The dates for this workshop are: March 17, 18 & 19, 2017. It might also be a good time to do the workshop again with your partner? Register with Yvonne Singer
- Imago Connects: We are pleased to announce that our renowned Sandra Pribanic will be offering this evening at our new location. See dates below
- Up coming Trainings in Toronto:
- For Therapists: the Imago Clinical Training in Imago Therapy begins in mid November in Toronto. This certification program is for those therapists who are interested in becoming specialized in Imago. Training dates:
Session I: January 18 to 21, 2017
Session II: March 29 to April 01, 2017
Session III: June 14 to 17, 2017
- Certified Imago Facilitator Training for Non Therapists: This course is being taught by Maureen Brine. Training dates:
Session I: December 14 to 17, 2016
Session II: February 07 to 10, 2017
Session III: April 19 to 22, 2017
Session IV: July 05 to 08, 2017
- Workshop Presenters Training in Toronto for Imago Therapists
Session I: December 07 to 10, 2016
Session II: March 08 to 11, 2017
Session III: June 07 to 10, 2017
Maureen Brine's Workshops dates for 2016/17
Getting the Love You Want Couples Workshop
- December 02, 03 & 04, 2016
- January 27, 28 & 29, 2017
- March 24, 25 & 26
- April 28, 29 & 30
- June 23, 24 & 25
Recovering Our Connection: A Getting the Love You Want Workshop for Couples in Recovery
Keeping the Love You Find a Workshop for Individuals
- November 4 - 6 2016
- May 12 - 14 2017
- November 3 - 6 2017
* For more information or to register for any of the workshops or trainings, contact Yvonne Singer at imagoyvonne@successfulrelationships.ca
The Beauty and the Blessing of Dialogue... by Maureen Brine
It seems to me that the Couples that I work with who achieve the most happiness and relational success are those who utilize the Dialogue Process on a regular basis. In fact some of my Couples use what is known as an "Imago Check-in" daily and they are making great strides in their relational recovery. This check-in includes starting with appreciations and then spending 10-15 minutes in dialogue with each other "checking in" utilizing the Imago Couples Dialogue. I have been known to say that "a dialogue a day keeps the Imago Therapist away!" Believe me its true!
The Dialogue Process is a lot more sophisticated than just a mere communication tool. It promotes two healthy, mature, differentiated adults being in connection with one another. It moves us out of self- centred monologues to other centred relationality. It creates what Martin Buber called an "I - Thou" relationship. It is not the "I" or the "Thou" that Imago focuses on but the hyphen in between… in other words the hyphen represents the relationship. Dialogue creates relationship and relationality between two people (and communities). It brings relationship into being and new life into a dead relationship.
"Dialogue is to love, what blood is to the body. When the flow of blood stops, the body dies. When dialogue stops, love dies and resentment and hate are born". R. Howe; "The Miracle of Dialogue". Dialogue is the language of love. It gives life to both parties. There is both the intimacy shared and a new found energy of curiosity about the profound depths yet to be explored with each other. There is a mutual increasing awareness of both self and other.
Healing of a marriage or relationship can not occur when one partner sees themselves as an individual and is focused on their own matters and needs. Relational recovery ultimately can not occur from the individual paradigm either because there are two people trying to co-exist with each other, both with their own needs and expectations. It is only through dialogue that there can be meaningful communication for two. Couples meet in what is known as their "In between" - the relational space between them. It is in the "in between" where new life and meaning is created and the healing of both can take place. It reminds me of the Rumi quote:
"The Field: Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about."
To be dialogical means to not impose your view on the other but to speak and listen with curiosity, openness and awareness that there is an "other". One of the toughest journeys for couples is to learn to honor the "otherness" of their partner. When this occurs there can be a genuine meeting and connection is birthed.
Dialogue is the address and response between two people in which there is a flow of meaning between them, in spite of all the obstacles that would normally block the relationship. It is that interaction between them in which one of them seeks to give himself as he is to the other, and seeks also to know the other, as the other is." R. Howe; The Miracle of Dialogue.
Dialogue is the language of relationship and mutuality. It creates the re-union to ones' self, to ones' partner and leads to spiritual healing. Through dialogue new possibilities are feasible and growth and healing result. Couples who learn the depth of possibilities with dialogue achieve real love and consciousness. They want to share that with others and help to accomplish the Imago mission of "Healing the world, one relationship at a time!
If you have fallen out of the habit, there is no time like the present to try again. Good luck on the journey. Remember just one dialogue a day...
by Sandra Pribanic
Imago Connects
Already interested in Imago and have some friends and family that you’d like to get introduced to Imago but not sure how to do it?
Want to "polish" your Imago-skills, or interested in taking your relationship to the next level?
Thinking about Getting the Love You Want couples workshop and would like a little taste of what to expect?
Want to better understand relationship patterns and dynamics?
Join Sandra for a 2h introduction to Imago Therapy & Theory.
October 24th or November 28th at 6pm.
Cost of the seminar is $100 + HST per person.
E-mail (imagosandra@gmail.com) or call (416-833-1205) Sandra to register.
Mindfulness for Couples
Learn about your own internal story, how to observe it with more curiosity, calm, and without getting wrapped up in it. Your partner will learn that, too. Learn how to stay engaged during a conflict, experience faster recovery, and how to disarm those triggers all together! Come for an evening that will engage your self-awareness, other-awareness, curiosity and fun.
November 14th or December 19th at 6pm.
Cost of the seminar is $150 + HST/couple.
E-mail (imagosandra@gmail.com) or call (416-833-1205) Sandra to register
A story about love... "The Velveteen rabbit", by Margery Williams speaks so clearly about what the real love is:
"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."
"Does it hurt?" asked the rabbit.
"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."
"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"
"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
| Thursday, October 4, 2012 - Last oportunity to do a workshop for this year. |
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| Tuesday, February 14, 2012 - Valentines message |
Wishing You a Happy Valentine’s Day from
Maureen Brine & Associates Limited
Valentine's Day Celebration – A Celebration of Love
Valentine's Day is celebrated in a big way around the globe! It is interesting to note that the popularity of this ancient festival has grown immensely and is said to be increasing by the year as more and more people are influenced by idea of celebrating love and relationships. The present generation holds the festival in high regard and celebrates the day by expressing love not just to their sweethearts but everyone they hold dear and special. We want to share these valentine sentiments with you.

Valentine’s Day for Lovers
Valentine's Day holds immense importance for those in love. Lovers around the world take this day as an opportunity to express love for their beloved and spend a day honoring their relationship. Although we recommend that you appreciate your partner every day, Valentine’s is a special day to benchmark your love. Indulging your sweetheart with flowers mainly red roses, chocolates, cards and other gifts of love is the other most popular custom of Valentine's Day for lovers. Celebrate each other with your very own special caring behaviors. Give each other the gift of attending a Getting the Love you Want Workshop if you have not already done so. Enjoy each other. Make everyday a Valentine’s Day by practicing the top 10 Relationship Tips on our website!
Valentine’s Day for Singles
Valentine's Day festival is much awaited by those in love but dreaded by singles!! So much hype, that some singles even become depressed about not having a partner or a special relationship. Some times the sense of isolation becomes so strong that many singles tend to “hate Valentine's Day” - the day that is actually meant to celebrate love.
We have several suggestions for Singles regarding Valentine’s Day.
· Keep in mind that Valentine's Day is not just to be celebrated by romantically involved couples. The festival is celebrated to express love to anyone we are closed to. We can therefore celebrate Valentine's Day with friends, siblings, parents, grandparents, teachers or anyone who made a difference to our lives with their affection and support. Take the opportunity to express your love and gratitude to all persons you love. Send them Valentine’s
· Make the most of Valentine's Day by spending the day in the company of those you love or by indulging yourself
· Pamper yourself by planning something you will enjoy
· Plan to spend time with friends.
· Throw a “singles party” or “Un-Valentine's Day Party” at your home and have a blast. You will know that life is fun in the company of loving friends.
· Express Appreciation and Gratitude for friends and dear ones.
· Think Positive. Move away from negative thinking. Your soul mate is walking toward you as quickly as you are walking towards them!
· Take steps you think are vital to improve your chances for relationship. Make some resolutions for yourself and stick to them
· Read Keeping the Love you Find for Individuals and give it to your Single friends
· Attend a Keeping the Love you find Workshop in preparation for your new relationship.
· Create an Imago Relationship Vision. Remember that energy follows attention. Visualize your dream partner and relationship.
The History of the Valentine’s Rose
The most popular flower on Valentine's Day is the red rose. Reasons for the same are two-fold, one is that the color red represents love, and Valentine's Day is the day of love, so the natural choice has to be a red rose. The second reason is in relation to the mythological significance of red rose, it is the favorite flower of Venus - the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty and this also makes it the perfect choice to be given to someone you love. The rose has become the symbol of love and romance by poets, writers and philosophers.
And Why Valentine’s Hearts?
Red heart pierced by the Cupid's arrow is a traditional symbol of Valentine's Day. Heart symbolizes love and giving someone a heart means to hand over one's existence to someone. A heart pierced by a Cupid's arrow means that when someone presents a heart, the person takes the risk of being rejected and feeling hurt. Piercing arrow therefore symbolizes death and vulnerability of love. Love is worth the risk as we become more fully ourselves by loving an “other”.
Love is always bestowed as a gift -- freely, willingly, and without expectation....
We don't love to be loved; we love to love.
Leo Buscaglia
An inexpensive way to gift your beloved! Share an Imago Dialogue on your favorite topic. It truly will increase your into-me-see 
Knee to Knee,
Eye to Eye,
Heart to Heart,
Open spirit to open spirit!
Love after Love
By Derek Walcott
The time will come
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,
And say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was yourself.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you
all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.
Happy Valentine’s from Maureen, Sandra and Yvonne.
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| Monday, January 16, 2012 - Happy New Year from Maureen Brine & Associated Ltd |
Happy New Year from Maureen Brine
Associates Ltd
Getting More of the Love You Want in 2012

Happy New Year! May this year be filled with loving relationships, compassion, friendship, curiosity, good health, fun times and abundance.
I believe this is a wonderful time to look at the year ahead and set goals personally and for your relationship. Most of us are used to setting resolutions for ourselves but often we do not extend that to our most intimate relationship(s). An exercise that I Love to do is look back at the last year and appreciate one thing about myself in my relationship that I am proud of and then to have my partner do the same and share that with each other. Then to also commit to one behaviour change each that we will commit to on behalf of the relationship. It is also a great time to either do your relationship vision or to review and revise your current one. If you are single do the same with a friend.
Wishing you the very best for 2012.
Maureen, Sandra and Yvonne.
2011 in Perspective at MBA.
Wow so many wonderful things occurred this year for us. Here is a smattering ...
1. Maureen successfully took part in a new TV Documentary series "Intervention Canada" that can be seen on Slice TV Channel 41. Stay tuned to see what 2012 holds.
2. Sandra continues to collaborate with Boost Child Abuse Intervention and Prevention as a clinician and educator in the area of early childhood mental health and attachment and in relational approach to healing. In addition, following her 2010 graduation from the Center for Intentional Living in New York, Sandra has strived to bring the program to Toronto. It is with excitement that she’d like to announce the full 3-year training starting in Toronto in April 2012!
3. First Imago Community Educator Course was offered. Yvonne Singer has officially become a Certified Imago Community Educator.
4. Recovering our Connection - A Getting the Love You Want Workshop for Recovering Couples has been also successfully launched. Maureen is now offering this workshop on a regular basis. Dates can be found on the website. Don't miss this opportunity to meet with other recovering couples on the journey of healing together. This workshop has been designed especially to help Recovering Couples to regain their connection.
5. Check out our new Addictions Services page on our website at www.successfulrelationships.ca.
New at MBA.
1. New Imago Parenting Program...
We are delighted to be offering this new program called "Connected Parents, Thriving Kids". This much awaited course will be offered by our very own Jeanine Lapointe on an 8 successive weekends.
All classes would begin Friday at 6:30pm to 9:00pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00am to 6:00pm; here are some dates: Spring first half: April 27, 28 & 29 and second half May 4, 5 & 6. For more information and to register please contact Janine Lapointe at 905-547-4251 or imagojanine@cogeco.ca
2. Imago Connects continues! Already hooked on Imago and have some friends and family that you’d like to get introduced to Imago but not sure how to do it? Wanting to “polish” your Imago-skills, or interested in taking your relationship to the next level? Wanting to understand relationship patterns and dynamics? Come join us for a 3h introduction to Imago Therapy & Theory. Next Imago Connects seminar comes February 6th and March 19th at 6:30pm.
* * * *
“True Dialogue is the one where Both Parties are willing to Change”
By Sandra Pribanic
Most people, when asked what they fear the most, reply “not living to my utmost potential”. Not living up to our dreams applies to our relationships, too. More often than not, we find ourselves bogged down at an impasse. More often than not we need some kind of a precipice to change. More often than not we give up, tired from the exhaustion of the struggle, weary and hurt. Very rarely we hear about the struggle as a possibility to be “our moment” (you need an Imago-therapist to tell you that). What is trying to happen?
Imagine this: that every negative affect has a longing, a wish, underneath.
Let’s search for that.
If we are honest with ourselves and if we are brave enough to open up with some “vulnerable trust” (as I heard a colleague wonderfully name it), then peeling off the layers of struggle often reveals a place of wondering whether I am still precious to my partner, can I trust, do I matter, will (my partner) respond (to me, my needs, etc); and so on. Such questions are tightly tied to the sense of who we are. These are not just “some” questions; they are the basis of the adult connectedness, or in therapy-lingo, attachment. Attachment is nowadays a buzz word in psychology. But attachment is not just a theory - most importantly it is a vital force, and a base for any recovery. We need it (with other humans) at first to survive, but throughout our lives, and always, to thrive. Just as attachment is imprinted within us as an invisible map that is shaped from the earlier times, relationship healing might seem equally elusive. I could tell you about the attachment theory, or neurobiology of repair (apparently, biochemically/physiologically we need those 20 minutes of “time-off” from each other before addressing an issue – turtles/minimizers of the world, rejoice!), and such information is sometimes important. However, the theory won’t do much, unless there is an experiential moment that follows it.
So try this:
What does “to really connect” mean to you? How would it be for you to just sit & talk? Can you imagine it? Are you bored? Scared? Have anything to say? What would you feel if you were be doing that? Explore the whole world of possibilities of turning yourself towards your partner. One thing that I learned in my practice and that I am sharing with my clients is that the “winner” is actually the one who makes the first bid of connection (no, not the one who can stonewall or stay away the longest). Offer one small vulnerable truth about yourself. Most of us, when met with the vulnerable, will share our own vulnerable pieces. That is all it takes; one small bid of connection; one small step towards each other.
Know that successful couples are not the ones who don’t fight, but the ones who have the ability to repair when in conflict.
So turn on (your own vulnerability), attune (to what is trying to happen below that bugging conflict), and connect (in any one small way). Imago-Dialogue.
* * * *
Relationship Tip Corner
For Couples.
Be the one to make the first bid of connection. Begin by thinking positive thoughts each day about your partner and your relationship. Remove all negativity, shame and blame from your relational space. Dialogue your problems to resolution.
Take the time to give your partner two appreciations on a daily basis. Remember two appreciations a day will keep the Imago therapist away.
We create our own context We make it happen! Be intentional with each other in not just your actions, your thoughts and dialogue with each other.
For Singles...
Practice being "Imago intentional" in your relationships with family and friends. If you haven't done a Keeping the Love You Find Workshop, plan to do so this month January 27 -29 2012. You can get ready for the relationship of your dreams in the meantime.
Give yourself and a friend an appreciation a day.
Last word on Dialogue....Imago Dialogue is the language:
- Of Relationship
- Of Love
- Of Connection
- Of Peace
- Of Universality
Remember peace begins at home
Maureen Brine’s Workshop Dates for 2012
Getting the Love You Want Couples Workshop 2012
- January 13, 14 & 15
- March 23, 24 & 25
- May 25, 26 & 27
- July 20, 21 & 22
- Sept. 21, 22 & 23
- Nov. 09, 10 & 11
Recovering Our Connection a workshop for Couples in Recovery
- February 16, 17, 18 & 19
- April 12, 13, 14 & 15
- June 07, 08, 09 & 10
- August 09, 10, 11 & 12
- October 25, 26, 27 & 28
- December 06, 07, 08 & 09
Keeping the Love You Find Singles Workshop 2012
- January 27, 28 & 29
- November 02, 03 & 04
Maureen Brine’s Trainings Dates for 2012
Workshop Presenters Training for Recovering Our Connection Workshop
This is a 5 day certification Course for Workshop Presenters
Preparation for Committed Partnership: Singles Clinical Training:
Workshop Presenters Training in Toronto GTLYW
- Session I: June 12 to 15
- Session II: Sept. 18 to 21
- Session III: Jan. 29 to Feb.1
Basic Clinical Training in Toronto, 2012
- Session I : May 22 to 25
- Session II: Sept. 11 to14
- Session III: Dec. 11 to 14
Workshop Presenters Training in South Africa
- Session I: Feb. 22 to 25
- Session II: June 25 to 29
- Session III: Nov. 20 to 23
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| Thursday, June 23, 2011 - Spring into Summer Newsletter |
Springing into Summer... Getting More of the Love You Want
Anonymous Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year - it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul.
Now that spring has finally sprung I find it possible to turn my thoughts towards renewal. I love this time of year when flowers begin to bud and bloom and birds sing more mightily. Everything seems fresh and new. This year I noticed how the first leaves that bud seem to be a greener green. Everything is so vibrant. It is as usual great to be alive and experiencing love. I believe spring is a wonderful time to replenish our internal reserves and to facilitate growth within your relationship or to look at yourself with new eyes if you are not in one.
This spring could also be looked at as springing into summer! It has taken so long to manifest into good weather! Summer is almost here. It has made me realize how deeply many of us are impacted by our environment physically as well as emotionally. It is a good time to focus on each other and bring more playfulness and relaxation into our relationships.
Wishing you a summer of fun, renewal and relaxation...
Maureen, Sandra and Yvonne |
Relationship Tip Corner
For Couples...
As spring and summer approach, a time of growth and renewal begins. Our relationships can be our best resource for growth and renewal.
It is a good time to remember that one of the beautiful things about being in a committed relationship is that our partner holds the blueprint for our ongoing growth. They can hold a mirror up for us on a daily basis inviting us to grow in exactly the way in which we need to grow.
Thank your partner today for holding this mirror for you... and p.s the fun thing is that you hold the mirror for your partners’ growth. It's mutual!
Take the time to give your partner two appreciations on a daily basis. Remember two appreciations a day will keep the Imago therapist away.
Last word on Dialogue....Imago Dialogue is the language:
- Of Relationship
- Of Love
- Of Connection
- Of Peace
- Of Universality
Remember peace begins at home... |
What is new at MBA?
Maureen is taking part in a new TV Documentary series that will be aired this fall. Stay tuned as to what the series is about. It is top secret!
1. First Certified Imago Community Educator Course begins in July in Toronto. If you are interested in teaching Imago courses and concepts have a look at Educational Services - Imago Community Educators on our website. You can also contact Yvonne if you have any questions.
2. Recovering our Connection - A Getting the Love You Want Workshop for Recovering Couples. This new workshop will be offered over an extended weekend at a lovely location (Greene Stone Muskoka) in Bala in August. This all inclusive weekend will be offered from Thursday, August18th until Sunday, August 21st. 2011. Don't miss this opportunity to meet with other recovering couples on the journey of healing together. This workshop has been designed especially to help Recovering Couples to regain their connection. Pre-registration is necessary. Please contact Yvonne for more details.
3. Check out our new Addictions Services page on our website at www.successfulrelationships.ca.

We create our own context, we make it happen! Be intentional with each other in not just your actions but also your thoughts. Dialogue with each other daily.
For Singles...
Practice on a daily basis being "Imago intentional" in your relationships with family and friends. If you haven't done a Keeping the Love You Find Workshop, plan to do so this Fall. IN the meantime you can get ready for the relationship of your dreams. Give yourself and a friend an appreciation a day. |
Maureen Brine's Workshop Dates for 2011 |
Getting the Love You Want Couples Workshop 2011
September |
16, 17 & 18 |
October |
14,15 & 16 |
November |
25, 26 & 27 |
Recovering our connection - A Getting the Love you want Workshop for Recovering Couples
Keeping the Love You Find Singles Workshop 2011
Maureen Brine’s Trainings Dates for 2010/11
Educators Training Toronto
July 6 to 9, 2011
Basic Clinical Training in Toronto, 2011
Session I: Sept. 7 to 10
Session II: Nov. 9 to 12
Session III: Jan. 18 to 21
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